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We always have access to happiness and it’s actually pretty easy!

I recently watched a video from the Resilience Project that talked about the happiness we can create from doing something nice for others. 

Young girl hugging puppy in open field.

They noted that: “Our brains don’t discriminate.  If we do something nice for someone else, our brain doesn’t say well you can’t have the oxytocin because you don’t have (XYZ that you want).

If you do something nice for someone else, your brain releases oxytocin not matter what.

Isn’t that a lovely reminder that we always have access to happiness and joy and it comes from doing things for other people.”

The message struck a chord.  It is simple and true.  You don’t have to do something big or that takes up a lot of your time.  The little things matter and can make a big difference to someone’s day.

Why not come up with a list of the people that mean the most to you and each day or each week pick one person and think of a small act of kindness that you can do for them – they’ll feel valued and you’ll feel happier – it’s a win-win.

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