What Are You Making Time for This Summer?

Before embarking on a brand-new year, you need to regroup, recharge and make time for a little self-care.
So, this one is short and sweet – what will you do this summer to recharge your batteries before heading back into full swing in 2022?
It doesn’t have to be a long, expensive holiday. Here are some simple ideas, they won’t all work for everyone so find something that interests you and go with that:
- Make time to see the people you love
- Read a good book
- Make something
- Start a hobby you’ve always wanted to try
- Re-start a hobby you haven’t had time for recently
- Paint or draw
- Listen to music
- Take a warm bath
- Spend time outdoors/ in nature
- Take a nice long walk or bike ride
- Cook or bake something you’ve wanted to try
- Keep your body moving
- Write a journal
- Write a list of things you’re grateful for
- Take a short day-trip
- Make time to get plenty of good sleep