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60 Simple Joys in Life


We recently wrote about finding the simple joys in life and now that we’re knee deep in winter in the southern hemisphere, if feels like a good time to share a list of simple joys that may help people through the dreary winter.

This is a (not exhaustive) list of simple joys in life that make me smile.

Cute puppy lying in bed of flowers
  • Big, long hugs from my children
  • Calling Mum and telling her about my day
  • Eating Mum’s food, cakes, biscuits…really anything form Mum
  • Watching my kids play around with my parents
  • A child’s uninhibited giggle
  • A random act of kindness
  • Listening to rain hit the roof
  • Seeing a beautiful sunset
  • Receiving a compliment
  • Sunshine through a window
  • The smell of trees and earth
  • The smell right after it rains
  • The smell of flowers
  • The way that each flower has its own distinct beauty
  • The sound of birds chirping
  • The perfect hot chocolate (with marshmallows of course)
  • A text from a loved one
  • A smile from a stranger
  • A meme that makes me laugh till my eyes water
  • Movie night at home (popcorn a must)
  • Breakfast for dinner
  • Reading a new book
  • Watching a playful puppy
  • A vase with fresh flowers from the garden
  • Laughing until I cry
  • A clean house
  • Friendly neighbours
  • Accomplishing a goal
  • A freshly made bed
  • A warm and cosy bed on a cold night
  • Playing family games
  • A summer thunderstorm
  • Looking at the stars (then being corrected by my kid who tells me which planet it is)
  • A nice evening walk
  • Finding the exact item I was looking for on sale
  • Catching up with a friend I haven’t talked to in awhile
  • A new notebook
  • Cinnamon rolls
  • Gelati
  • The sound of waves crashing
  • A song or smell that brings back good memories
  • Watching a TV show or movie I loved when I was a kid
  • The crisp air of autumn
  • Sitting in nature
  • Friends who become family
  • The smell of freshly baked cookies
  • The change of the seasons
  • A soft & cozy blanket
  • Meeting someone who immediately gets me
  • A good night’s sleep
  • Completing a task that I had been avoiding
  • Eating dinner outside on a warm summer evening
  • Relaxing at the beach with those I love
  • The taste of ripe summer fruit
  • Unexpectedly running into a friend
  • Listening to a helpful podcast episode
  • Singing along to my favourite song
  • Doing something thoughtful for someone else
  • Carrying on my favourite childhood traditions with my kids
  • Marking a task off my to-do list

I hope this sparks some ideas of your own to add to your list.

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